Alyne Harris
Buttermilk Loaf
"Waiting for a Signal"
"Walt Disney"
Janet Lenora Thomas a.k.a. Charlotte Tina
"Water Hill Farm"
"What What What"
Cat Fish Man
"Whiskey Road" (Early)
"Whisper Rose"
"Whoo Chief" Face Jug
Tom and Judy Touchstone
"Wiggins Cottage"
Mose Tolliver
"Witch Doctor" Face
"World of God"
Brenda Davis
"Yard Sale"
Julie Schronk
"Yellow Fish"
Frank Norton, Jr.
"Yorktown Virginia" Abraham Lincoln
Larry Ledford
"You are Kind a Cute"
& Everything
Sandy Erickson Wright
(JET) "The Stalker" Vase
120 Eye Ball Jug 5 gallons
Dal Burtchall
3 White Squirrells
Jim Gary Phillips
A Fall Gathering
Matthew Rubenstein
A Jug
A Place I Know on Cochran Creek Dawsonville, GA