New Jersey Mallards
Marian Baker
Fantasy Fish Orange with Red & Yellow Dots
Lisa Pirkle
Fantasy Fish Orange with Yellow & Orange Dots
Fantasy Fish Lime Green with Teal & Light Blue Dots
Fantasy Fish Red with Orange & Yellow
Woodpecker #1
Emma Malinoski
Downy #1
Yard Dog
Marian Bakers
Pole Cats
Bucky #14
There's a Bear! Where...Over There!
White Rooster
Jimmy Lee Suddeth
Log Cabin
Blue House
Hope reaches reality....
Howard Finster
Governors Art Award for Artist of the Year
"Jack said, "Oh, look! See what Tan did." 52 56 59 cigar box
"Fall is in the Air"
Sherry Blackwell
"The Hummingbirds"
"The Rooster"
"The Russian Stacking Doll"
"The Birds of a Feather"
"The Fox"
"The Barn Owl"
"The Tom Turkey"
"The Wolf"
"Guardian Angel"
Roy Finster